CAN WE SURRENDER the mantle of trying to be, as someone has described us in our drivenness, “General Manager of the Universe?” Many of us are so accustomed to trying to be good – doing what is right, covering everything on our to-do list – that we live our lives, even our spiritual lives, at a frantic panic.

We cram every minute of every day with activity and achievement, measuring our worth by what we earn or what good deeds we have done. But this beatitude [“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:3)] says that approach is all wrong.

When we offer to God what we cannot be or do – our weaknesses – then the kingdom is ours. God says in this beatitude, “When you give up your illusions of control and power and acknowledge your absolute need for me, all that I have opens to you.”

Today’s Question

What does “poor in spirit” mean to you?

Today’s Scripture

Pilate asked him, “So you are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. For this I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.” John 18:37

Prayer intentions:

1. Let us continue to keep her in our prayers the people of California and the firefighters caring for them.

2. Let us pray for the people of Chicago for peace in that City, for the police department and the hospital staff at Mercy Hospital.

3. It has We Begin this Sunday a new church year the first Sunday of Advent may we open our hearts the Jesus and welcome him once again into our homes, our workplaces, and all our family and friendships.

4. We pray for all firefighters, police officers, all First Responders, doctors nurses all those who care for us in time of need.

Note: this week we will prepare are Advent wreath in our dining room. Three purple candles one pink candle for the third week of Advent.

Published by Brother Ed Ministries

Franciscan Friar - I am Joliet Illinois Fire Chaplain. I love serving those who serve others no matter what the cost. I also love a good ghost story and I like to do my own ghost investigations in the Midwest with family and friends. I also take people on other kinds of outings, such as holy pilgramiages, baseball games etc.

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